Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability has always been a core component of our business strategy and forms the foundation of long-term business success. We seek to ensure that the design and execution of the solutions we offer is aligned with our fundamental commitment to sustainable development.

Our Corporate Strategy is geared towards sustainable and organic growth to enable long-term success and health of our businesses. As a business, we are driven by calculated risks and making financial gains; but as an organization, we are guided by a clear conscience of coexistence, unwavering integrity, pursuit of trust and continuously striving for reputation as a safe, responsible and reliable corporate citizen. We use principles of sustainability to foster process innovation, new product development, improve manufacturing efficiencies and reduce material and energy consumption.

We aspire to be recognized as an innovative, customer focused company that delivers quality products, ensures excellent careers for its people and contributes positively to the communities in which we live and work.

Strategic Alignment


We continue to provide reasonable and competitive returns to shareholders through dividends and value growth. In line with our mission to create value we are continuously reviewing our portfolio and resource allocation for the best combination of existing and new businesses to achieve our goals.


We ensure that the environmental impact of our operations is minimized and that pollution control measures and processes are continuously improved. We contribute to a range of environment conservation initiatives for awareness and advocacy.


The pipes we supply are used to transport oil, gas and water through high pressure transmission systems to reach consumers across the country. Our billets are used to produce re-bars for construction. We continue to invest in an educated Pakistan and strive to manage and improve the impact of our operations.